
Creating integration tests as tutorials

Go to tutorial.

  1. Write how to use your new feature.
  2. Create what you think the API should look like as code.
  3. Generate the tests.
  4. Make the test pass.

Creating a tutorial with a runnable program

  1. Create a minimal working program.
  2. Break the code up anywhere you think needs explanation.
  3. Add in features with explanation.
  4. Include / Skip / Hide code.
  5. Include code.
  6. Run and build the program.

Include External Code.

  1. Include a template at the start of you're code.
  2. Combine with inline code to produce program.

Use multiple languages

  1. Combine html and javascript to generate a front end.

Use same languages in different modes

  1. Make a rust program.
  2. Make a rust test.
  3. Generate the different files.

Check your code

  1. Add the check mark to generate a code check point.
  2. Add EXTRA to complete the check