
Add a flag

All single source flags start with \#S:FLAG,FLAG=param,FLAG

Include flag

INCLUDE All code blocks in your language proceeding this tag will be included in the generated code file.

Skip flag

SKIP All code blocks in your language proceeding this tag. No blocks will be included in the generated code file until an INCLUDE flag is hit.

External flag

EXTERNAL=path/to/file Include the code from this external file in the generated code file at this location.

Hide flag

HIDE Hide only the next code block from showing up in the generate md file.

Check flag

CHECK=lang is used to generate a block of code for the user to check their work against at that point in the tutorial.

Extra flag

Sometimes you want to include an extra piece of information in check block. The extra flag includes the following code block in the next check block. It should be used right above a check.

Mode flag

MODE is used to create different runs from the same language.